Sulfur in your Sacramento Water (Rotten Egg Smell) – What You Can Do

The most common way to diagnose a contamination of sulfur or hydrogen sulfate in your [dealer info= “location”] home is the smell. To that end, there are simple steps you can take to eliminate this from your faucets.

Determine the Source

Your first order of business is to find the source — in your drain, or in your water. Take a glass of water from your drain area the smell is originating from, and take a glass of water from another faucet in your home. If both glasses of water contain a rotten egg smell, the problem is your water, which could come from a number of other issues – water heater, well or municipal. If only one glass has the unpleasant odor, it is most likely that specific drain.

If the Source is Your Drain

Find the specific drain and pour ½ cup of bleach down the drain to disinfect it. If you are weary of pouring bleach into your drain system, or do not have bleach on hand, dump ½ cup of baking soda and 1 cup of vinegar in your drain. This should be sufficient to disinfect that specific drain pipe.

Hot Water Heater Troubleshooting

If the issue is from hot water only, the likely culprit is the anode rod in your electric water heater chemically reacting with the natural sulfate ions. This rod is typically made of magnesium. Replace this with an aluminum rod.

You can operate your water heater without the rod, though you risk corrosion of your steel water tank after you remove one. Culligan can add FDA-approved corrosion inhibitors to help correct this potential problem, and can also remove the sulfate by using a dealkalizer.

Sulfur-reducing bacteria could be lurking in your water tank without the rod. One way to test for this is to set your water temperature over 140° Fahrenheit for 48 hours to kill the bacteria. If the odor goes away, this was likely the problem. If it does not, it is likely a rod issue.

If the Source is Your Well or Municipal Water

If the contamination is located at the actual source of your drinking water, get a [dealer-url page=”free-in-home-water-test”] free water test [/dealer-url] from [dealer info=”dealer”]. This test should include a pH analysis, iron, manganese, hardness and TDS (Total Dissolved Solids). A Culligan water softener, Sulfur-Cleer Plus, or Iron-Cleer filter, chlorine or hydrogen oxide chemical feed and carbon filtration are all options depending on the results of testing.

Sacramento: Where Do Total Dissolved Solids Come From?

[dropcap]Y[/dropcap]ou may often see the term “TDS” in terms of water contaminants and filter labels that claim to remove them. But what exactly are they? How do they affect you? And how can you deal with them?

Dissolved solids are defined as anything dissolved in water, including metals, salts and minerals. TDS can include inorganic salts and organic matter that have leached into the water. Most are harmless in nature, particularly in low concentrations. It’s unlikely that any water you drink has zero TDS. However, the EPA has set TDS as a contaminant of secondary standards, with a limit set at 500 mg/L.

Where Do TDS Come From?

Total dissolved solids can come from a number of sources, and the location of your home, climate, water treatment method, source, and a number of variables can contribute to the composition of your water. Common TDS contaminants can include ionic compounds derived from calcium, magnesium, potassium, sodium, chlorides, sulfates, phosphates and nitrates.

Wastewater treatment can be a major point of source for water pollution, leading to an increase in TDS

1. Industrial Wastewater and Sewage – treatment of both brings the biproduct of nitrates, which is important for animal growth. Algal blooms are prone to occur with the availability of nitrogen, causing an uptick in disinfectants being used by your municipality. This, in turn, leads to a more potent chlorine taste and smell. Phosphates can also be a non-point (water pollution from diffuse) source of total dissolved solids from wastewater treatment.


3. Piping/Hardware/Plumbing – the infrastructure of your own home could be the source of dissolved solids. [pullquote]Did you know water too LOW in TDS can actually have negative effects on your tap water?[/pullquote] Water in its purest form is a corrosive solvent, and can rake toxic materials such as lead and copper into your tap. This can be a major health risk. It’s a rare event the water source in your home is so low in total dissolved solids that it could become an issue, but if you are concerned about this, [dealer-url page=”free-in-home-water-test”] have your water tested today. [/dealer-url]

4. Sea Water – sea water, naturally, contains an excessive amount of NaCl (sodium) and other ionic compounds that contribute to a salty or brackish taste. While there are a handful of desalination plants (designed to remove sodium compounds from sea water), the hard truth is that purifying sea water takes an increased amount of energy and money to break such chemical bonds that most municipalities can not afford.

5. Agricultural/Farming/Irrigation Systems – just like in lawn treatment, synthetic farm fertilizers have nitrates that can dissolve into the soil. Elevated levels of nitrates also occur in animal waste and compost.  Nitrogen is an essential nutrient for plant growth. But excess nitrogen can combine with organic materials on the surface to produce nitrates, which can be harmful to drinking water systems.

6. Naturally Occurring –  When water makes its way through the ground, it encounters layers of limestone and chalk. These beds are comprised of calcium and magnesium bicarbonates. The bi-product of these dissolved solids is hard water. More than 85% of U.S. households have hard water, according to studies. Contact [dealer info=”dealer”] today to learn more about how hard water could be affecting your home.

A Culligan Reverse Osmosis System removes 10 times the number of contaminants than the leading pitcher in the market. Unlike these pitchers, it removes lead and 50 additional harmful contaminants. We offer customized, tailored solutions for your [dealer info=”location] home. Contact us by clicking FIX MY WATER today!

You Don’t Wake Up Every Day To Worry About THIS

You live with kids? You live with germs.

ou know — the nose-picking, fingers-in-mouth, playing-in-mud dependent little souls milling about your home.

Cleanliness can be mind-numbingly redundant to enforce. Every table you wipe, carpet you scrub, molecule you disinfect, and reminder you give to “wash your hands” is liable to feel like a hopeless endeavor. You just have to face facts.

You can’t fully control what your kids bring in and out of the home. However, you can control what comes out of the tap. The first step?

Know what you’re fighting against.

I already use a water filter. Why should I get my water tested?

There’s a good chance you already have some sort of home water filtration system.

According to a public opinion study by the Water Quality Association, 92% of respondents were aware of in-pitcher or in-tap filters, up from 84% in 2015. This is for a good reason.

Last year, USA Today reported 63 million — more than one fifth of the entire U.S. population – were exposed to potentially unsafe water more than once during the past decade.

 “Awareness is essential to making good decisions about water quality,” said WQA Executive Paul Undesser. “A growing knowledge of effective water treatment options means consumers can make better decisions about what they drink.”

What you can’t see can hurt you

It’s easy to pick up on aesthetic issues – rotten egg smell, chlorine taste, hazy water. However, contaminants such as lead, arsenic, nitrates, and certain types of bacteria and viruses go undetectable. Additionally, there’s something worse many moms don’t know about.

Most of these inorganic contaminants are not filtered out by carbon activation pitchers or faucet mount filters – though many these days are designed to filter out lead.

If your home was built before 1986, lead could be an issue. Statistically, your home has a higher chance of having lead pipes or fixtures. Even if you’re sure it doesn’t, your service line might. So how do you find out more?

Every year, your municipality is required to issue a consumer confidence report. Call them, or find it online.

Your local Culligan also offers a water test. It’s a quick, in-home evaluation, that typically takes 10 minutes. And it’s totally free.

Our water coolers don’t solve ALL problems, but…

But seriously, which of these should not have to worry about on a daily basis?

  • Making meals
  • Clothing
  • Entertaining
  • Cleaning up
  • Laundry
  • Wiping butts
  • Wiping noses
  • What’s in your water

We get it. There’s no relaxing. It’s a grind. But getting a water test checks ONE box.

Call Culligan Sacramento today to learn more!